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B.C. election 2024: Richmond-Queensborough candidate Aman Singh

The Richmond News gave candidates in all four Richmond ridings the opportunity to introduce themselves and answer our questionnaire. They were also given the opportunity to give a 150-word answer to three questions.
Aman Singh is the BC NDP candidate for Richmond-Queensborough.

Candidate: Aman Singh

Riding: Richmond- Queensborough

Party: BCNDP

Occupation: Human Rights Lawyer

Where do you live (city)? Vancouver

Top priorities for Richmond

From an early age my parents taught me to be compassionate with everyone. My priorities are focused on what I hear that my constituents need. That includes making sure we have reliable healthcare, that everyone has a place to call home and that we can take care of our families.

Past achievements

I’m proud of our achievements in Richmond Queensborough. We've taken action on health care with the Richmond Hospital redevelopment and the UPCC in east Richmond. We've also increased transit, including a bus service for children in Queensborough that takes them to high school. John Rustad cut this service when he was in government. We've also done seismic upgrades so that our children are safe at school. And just last year parents in Richmond got back almost $51 million in childcare subsidies. We're ensuring that businesses like the Richmond Night Market and Richmond Plywood have the resources that they need.

Yes/no questionnaire (candidate can give 150-word answer to three questions)

1. Do you support a provincial carbon tax?

For many years, British Columbians agreed that the carbon tax was a useful tool in fighting climate change. Unfortunately, a series of decisions in Ottawa politicized it - and at the same time, people are being squeezed by global inflation and high interest rates. If Ottawa removes the federal requirement for a carbon tax, we will remove the carbon tax on British Columbians - while ensuring that big polluters pay their fair share. John Rustad has called climate science a “lie” and says “we should not be trying to fight climate change.” The fight against climate change is far bigger than any single tax. David Eby and the BC NDP believe climate change is a real, present threat and won’t stop taking action to reduce emissions and protect biodiversity.

2. Do you support Bill 44/47 to increase density in residential areas and near rapid transit? YES

3. Are you committed to keeping SOGI policies in B.C.’s education system? YES

4. Do you support Truth and Reconciliation with B.C.’s Indigenous population? YES

5. Do you support lower taxes for B.C. businesses? YES

6. Should the provincial government do more protect businesses from vandalism and other crimes? YES

7. Do you think the province should lobby the federal government for bail reform? YES

8. Do you support the privatization of health care in B.C.? NO

9. Should health-care workers who lost their jobs for not being vaccinated be compensated? NO

10. Do you support a safe supply of drugs for people with a severe substance-use disorder? DIDN'T ANSWER

11. Do you support a safe drug injection/consumption site in Richmond?

The BC NDP won't be setting up an overdose prevention site in Richmond. We'll continue to deliver the care people need, including counselling, health services, and more treatment and recovery centres. We also opened the Foundry Centre for youth in Richmond which provides mental health treatment, social services and peer support. As a province, we must help ease the pain of mental illness and addiction and end the tragic deaths from the poisoned drug crisis taking place in our communities. The BC NDP is taking action to get people treatment and keep our communities safe. John Rustad isn't being truthful about OPS sites. First he said they save lives, then he said he would close them - but then they said they won't, they'll keep them open.

12. Do you believe in mandatory (involuntary) care for people with a severe substance-use disorder? YES

13. Do you think there should be more supportive housing in Richmond? YES

14. Should the province be building more subsidized housing to combat the housing crisis? YES

15. Should the market be allowed to determine rents?

Many renters are struggling right now, and David Eby and the BC NDP are taking action to support them. To help renters, we brought in a $400 renters rebate and capped rent increases to inflation, saving a renting family $1,100 per year. We're also preserving existing affordable rental buildings with the Rental Protection Fund. David Eby’s Housing Action Plan also creates 300,000 more middle-income homes, including affordable rentals. John Rustad would rip up our Plan. He would eliminate the rent increase cap, turn the market over to speculators, and drive rents even higher. We can't afford to let John Rustad cancel David Eby's Housing Action Plan. Let's keep taking action on housing and build a future where everyone can afford to live here.

**Editor's note: The News will be publishing profiles of candidates who submitted them before our deadline. They will be published between Monday, Oct. 7 and Thursday, Oct. 10. 

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