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B.C. election 2024: Richmond-Steveston candidate Michelle Mollineaux

The Richmond News gave candidates in all four Richmond ridings the opportunity to introduce themselves and answer our questionnaire. They were also given the opportunity to give a 150-word answer to three questions.
Michelle Mollineaux is the BC Conservative candidate for Richmond-Steveston.

Candidate: Michelle Mollineaux   

Riding: Richmond - Steveston

Party: Conservative Party of British Columbia

Occupation: Director of Marketing and Channel Partnership at ZEMA Global Data Corporation – Richmond, BC

Where do you live (city)? South Vancouver

Top priorities for Richmond

I will ensure that Richmond-Steveston, and all of B.C. have safe, thriving communities, support local businesses and families in need, and work to scrap the carbon tax, lower taxes, and reduce wasteful spending

Past achievements

Michelle Mollineaux, Richmond-Steveston candidate, has a 25+ year career in marketing and business development, specializing in the high-tech, energy, energy transition, and commodities industry sectors, while fostering economic development with global 500 companies. Currently working at Richmond-based ZEMA Global Data, ranked #1 in Data Management, Michelle has mentored McMath Grade 12 students for 8 years, many returning as summer interns during university. She developed the award-winning "Opening the Door" STEM networking program, now province-wide. As a public-appointed board member for the College of Registered Nurses and Psychiatric Nurses of BC, she helped merge BC’s nursing colleges. 

Yes/no questionnaire (candidate can give 150-word answers to three questions)

1. Do you support a provincial carbon tax? NO

2. Do you support Bill 44/47 to increase density in residential areas and near rapid transit? NO

3. Are you committed to keeping SOGI policies in B.C.’s education system? NO

I do not support SOGI. While I support and respect the LGBTQ2+ community. SOGI was originally meant to create inclusive school environments, instead SOGI education has shifted towards the borderline pornographic sexualization of children from K to 12. Our schools should prioritize math, science and reading comprehension – not ideology. Let children be children, and keep graphic sexualization topics out of the classroom!

4. Do you support Truth and Reconciliation with B.C.’s Indigenous population? YES

5. Do you support lower taxes for B.C. businesses? YES

6. Should the provincial government do more to protect businesses from vandalism and other crimes?  YES

7. Do you think the province should lobby the federal government for bail reform? YES

8. Do you support privatization of health care in B.C.? NO

However, we must explore a mixed model under a single-payer public system, allowing for a role for some private healthcare within B.C.'s healthcare system through a new 'Patients First' model. Under the NDP, our healthcare system is a mess, failing British Columbians with long wait times and a shortage of resources like doctors and MRIs. Despite high spending, B.C. lags behind comparable countries in care availability. The Conservative Party of BC’s plan will increase access by funding healthcare based on performance, including both public and non-governmental facilities. By expanding partnerships with private clinics, we can reduce wait times for surgeries and diagnostics. We must prioritize patient care and efficiency to ensure British Columbians get the healthcare they deserve.

9. Should health-care workers who lost their jobs for not being vaccinated be compensated? YES

10. Do you support a safe supply of drugs for people with a severe substance-use disorder? NO

I cannot believe we live in a world where the government is buying harmful drugs and distributing them to the most vulnerable members of our society. This approach only perpetuates the problem and leaves taxpayers responsible for funding this dangerous experiment. Instead, we must focus on prevention, detox, rehabilitation, and recovery. Supporting individuals with job training, crime prevention, and strengthening public safety are crucial to addressing the root causes of addiction and improving outcomes for those affected. It’s time to prioritize real solutions that help people rebuild their lives and keep our communities safe.

11. Do you support a safe drug injection/consumption site in Richmond? NO

12. Do you believe in mandatory (involuntary) care for people with a severe substance-use disorder? YES

13. Do you think there should be more supportive housing in Richmond? YES

14. Should the province be building more subsidized housing to combat the housing crisis? YES

15. Should the market be allowed to determine rents? NO

16. Do you support reverting to a bridge plan to replace the George Massey Tunnel? DIDN'T ANSWER

**Editor's note: The News will be publishing profiles of candidates who submitted them before our deadline. They will be published between Monday, Oct. 7 and Thursday, Oct. 10. 

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