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Richmond independent MLA candidates challenge big party politics

Errol Povah, Dickens Cheung, and BC Green candidate Tamás Revóczi are bringing contrasting propositions to Richmond's table
MLA candidates Jackie Lee and Wendy Yuan may also run as independents in the Oct. 19 election ELECTIONS BC Photo

With the election around the corner, independent candidates in Richmond are challenging mainstream parties. 

Following a BC United announcement at the end of August that the party was suspending its campaign, Richmond-Steveston candidate Jackie Lee and Richmond Centre candidate Wendy Yuan, who were the BC United candidates, both said they plan to run as unaffiliated candidates. 

They will join two other individuals running without party affiliation in Richmond. 

This includes Dickens Cheung for Richmond Centre and Errol E. Povah for Richmond-Queensborough.

Another candidate who's declared he's running is Tamás Revóczi, the candidate for the BC Greens in Richmond-Bridgeport.

Revóczi, is included in the party’s platform, but has not been added to the Elections BC candidate list as of yet. 

According to his website, Revóczi said he's dedicated to environmental stewardship and social justice, advocating for physical and mental fitness through sport. 

He is focusing on sustainable development, improved public transport and support for families and small businesses.

“If elected, Tamás aims to bring his passion for community engagement and consensus-building to the role, advocating for a healthier, greener, more inclusive British Columbia,” added his platform.

Independent MLA candidate for Richmond-Queensborough, Errol Povah, is calling for an end to “woke policies” and wants tax reductions and a reconstruction of B.C.’s healthcare system, according to his website.

The site states SOGI is a UN-sponsored agenda that has excluded 95 per cent of the population, forcing children as young as five years old to learn about gender ideology and to consider if they were born in the wrong body. 

“Educational standards have to be raised and children belong to their parents, not to the government.” 

Cutting the carbon tax, stopping fomenting fear about climate change, and getting rid of extra taxes used to combat the climate crisis. which he says is "fake," are some of his other propositions. 

Lastly, his other priorities are exposing the “COVID scam,” hiring back healthcare workers terminated due to vaccine requirements, and reducing wait times in health centres. 

Independent MLA candidate for Richmond Centre, Dickens Cheung, strongly focuses on public safety, calling on those who are concerned over crime and the proposition of a safe injection site, according to his social media. 

“Are you feeling that your voices are being ignored by the current BC NDP Government? It’s time to stop the skyrocketing inflation and housing unaffordability,” it adds. 

Cheung said he prides himself for being an independent voice for the people of Richmond Centre, saying he doesn’t answer to any political party and has no significant financial interests backing his campaign. 

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