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Richmond's all-candidates meeting set for Sept. 26

Twelve candidates so far have indicated their intention to run in the Oct. 19 provincial elecction.
Richmond candidates running in the 2024 Provincial Elections.

Candidates running in Richmond for the upcoming provincial election will take part in a public Q&A next week.

The public is invited to attend the all-candidates meeting, which will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 at the Minoru Centre for Active Living. The meeting will take place on the second floor of the main hall.

The event will focus on the theme of "holding candidates accountable on social justice issues."

During the meeting, the candidates will discuss their viewpoints on a variety of topics including affordable housing and homelessness, food accessibility, transportation and transit, health and social services, income security, child care and more.

This all-candidates event is being organized by several local groups: the Richmond Centre for Disability, Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition, Jewish Seniors Alliance of Greater Vancouver and the Kehila Society Richmond branch.

It will be moderated by Richmond News acting editor Maria Rantanen.

Community members are encouraged to submit questions in advance online by clicking here.

The provincial election is scheduled for Oct. 19. 

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