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Dr. Helena Zurekova

Dr Helena Zurekova image

Meet Dr. Zurekova

Naturopathic Doctor, Bowen Therapist
& Birth Doula

As a young child, I remember health always being an important topic and focus in our family. My parents read as many books as possible (of the limited number that were available in the '80s & '90s) on nutrition and healthy diets with the goals of having healthy children. So, I have always had nutrition be a keen interest in my life which lead me to complete a Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Health. However, I always believed in the healing power of nature being the primary path of healing and prevention. This strong belief lead me to the discovery of Naturopathic Medicine and the undeniable truths of the power of alternative medicine it held.

During my studies of becoming a Naturopathic Doctor, I have discovered my innate care for others and developed the ability of empathy and understanding. Life threw me a few curve balls, such as becoming a mom while finishing school, that taught me the importance of adaptability and perseverance.

Due to a back pain I had a few years ago I have discovered Bowen Therapy. It was amazing at resolving my back pain as well as my mom’s frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) in 2-3 sessions. Due to such fantastic results I decided to get certified as a Bowen Therapist to be able to share this therapy with my patients.

When you are looking for the answer, you will find it. The key is to not give up, and to persevere forward with the belief that you will find your answer and solution. I am here to help and guide you to the best of my abilities.

Let healing come from within.