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Group of people enjoying a peaceful yoga practice in nature near a river on a sunny morning

What makes us different?

Our space is a community. The creator, Jenn Pun, envisioned a space where the best local practitioners, instructors, and wellness leaders were connected with fellow seekers. Not only is the space a hub for a variety of wellness modalities, classes, and special workshops, but an affordable place for guides to call home.


Because we work as a collective, and not a conventional wellness centre or yoga studio, the guides have autonomy AND access to a welcoming and warm space, for an affordable rental price that will allow them to sustain their practices and do their soul's work. 

Jenn has over 15 years of experience in the wellness industry. She has run her own naturopathic office as an ND in Toronto and has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2006 in studios, schools, private residences, and corporations. 


"It was so hard to find space in the Lower Mainland," says Jenn, "I had so many ideas for offerings, but nowhere I could host these things without charging astronomical prices to offset my costs. I had a need for space for my private S.I.T. and yoga clients that was simple, warm, affordable. I sought out this ideal local space for gatherings and  building community for years... so I decided to start my own instead."