Capital projects in Steveston scheduled for this summer may impact traffic around Steveston, warns the City of Richmond.
The five projects will include the Gilbert Road sewer upgrade, No. 2 Road watermain upgrade and multi-use pathways on Steveston Highway and No. 2 Road.
Drivers are asked to take alternate routes or avoid affected areas, and signage will be displayed to indicate alternate routes where necessary.
"These projects will allow the continued delivery of high-quality services including drinking water, sewage management and a robust active transportation pathway network," reads the city's media release.
1. Gilbert Road sewer upgrade
Metro Vancouver is undertaking a multi-year project to twin the sewer pipe system along Gilbert Road from Dyke Road to Blundell Road, which is expected to complete at the end of 2025.
The sewer system collects most of Richmond's sewage and conveys it to the Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plan.
For the next few months, traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction at the Steveston Highway and Gilbert Road intersection.
Drivers are also asked to expect delays northbound and southbound on Gilbert Road for the duration of the project.
For more information, contact Metro Vancouver's community liaison at 604-432-6200.
2. No. 2 Road watermain upgrade
The city is replacing the existing watermain on No. 2 Road, which is approaching the end of its service life. The project will improve water supply and reduce maintenance costs, according to the city.
The project is scheduled to be completed in December 2024.
Starting July 2, traffic is limited to one lane in each direction within the construction zone on No. 2 Road from Steveston Highway to Williams Road.
3. Steveston multi-use pathway (phases 1 and 2)
Construction on Steveston Highway for the new multi-use pathway between No. 2 and Shell roads will continue between Mortfield Gate and No. 2 Road, progressing west.
The project is expected to wrap up in December 2024.
As such, the Steveston Highway eastbound curb lane within the active construction zone is closed 24/7.
4. No. 2 Road multi-use pathway
The city will begin construction for the No. 2 multi-use pathway from Steveston Highway to Williams Road this month, with completion scheduled for December 2024.
Work is expected to start at Steveston Highway and move northward, and the northbound curb lane on No. 2 Road within the construction zone will be closed 24/7.
5. Steveston multi-use pathway (phase 3)
Phase 3 for the Steveston multi-use pathway is expected to begin in fall 2024 and finish by summer 2025.
The pathway will be located along Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Railway Avenue and the eastbound curb lane on Steveston Highway within the active construction zone will be closed 24/7.
For more information on the City of Richmond capital projects, email [email protected], or call the city at 604-276-4000.
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