As a newcomer to the Richmond School District, I continue to be impressed by the variety of learning experiences that are made available to our students. Dedicated staff in our schools are working to prepare our students to be “future ready” for a world that will look very differently from today.
In order to ensure that our children can participate meaningfully as global citizens in both workplaces and communities of the future, learning needs to look differently today! As a district, we will continue to focus on supporting all learners to be successful in tomorrow’s world.
We will continue to move ahead in the implementation of the new curriculum and the design of new ways of teaching and learning. There are already many examples of exciting new activities and lessons occurring across our district. Our teachers and administrators are demonstrating exemplary provincial leadership!
It is an exciting time to be part of the transformation of education – we will continue to work together to ensure that Richmond students have the skills and experience they will need to be positive contributors in a dynamic world!
Sherry Elwood
Superintendent of Schools