Four all-candidates meetings are coming up in anticipation of the Oct. 21 federal election: two on Oct. 3 and two on Oct. 8.
Richmond News’ editor Eve Edmonds will moderate two all-candidates debates, on Oct. 3 at South Arm United Church, and on Oct. 8 at the Minoru Centre for Active Living.
The Richmond chapter of the Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP) will host the first meeting on Oct. 3 from 1 to 3 p.m., with topics such as health care, financial security, safety and abuse prevention and caregiving.
In the evening on Oct. 3, one of a hundred nation-wide election debates on climate change is scheduled to take place at RC Palmer secondary from 7 to 9 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. The debate is organized the Richmond Climate Hub and GreenSeeds Music Society. The public can submit questions in advance of the event by going to the website and using the confirmation code G441. RC Palmer secondary is located at 8160 St. Albans Rd.
The Oct. 8 meeting, running from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., is hosted by the Richmond Centre for Disability, Richmond Poverty Response Committee and the Jewish Seniors Alliance. The theme will be social justice. The Minoru Centre for Active Living is located at Granville Avenue and Gilbert roads in Minoru Park (7191 Granville Ave).
Immediately after, the Ismaili community is hosting an all-candidates forum at their place of worship, 4000 May Dr. Three candidates, Alice Wong, Joe Peschisolido and Francoise Raunet, have confirmed their attendance. Topics include the environment, job creation, housing and how to create a safer, more sustainable and more prosperous community.