There’s something about a float that just makes a parade. Kids love watching them come down the street. They make people smile.”
So says Brenda Yttri, president and co-chair of the Steveston Salmon Festival board, and one of many Stevestonites who helped revive the float a few years ago, after years of absence from the festival’s marquee Canada Day parade.
This year, the Spirit of Steveston float will glide down Moncton Street on its electric, self-propelled chassis carrying a big Canada 150 birthday cake as Sammy the Sockeye swims around to high fin happy onlookers along the way; although sometimes he’ll catch a ride on the top.
The float, an 18-foot seiner boat, changes each year to accommodate new themes. This year, of course, will feature Canada 150 decorations.
Yttri says many volunteer hours go into making the float what it is. She said it is vital to have the parade organizers represented in their own parade.
Plus, “people get really excited to see the float. They know it’s from Steveston, their home,” said Yttri.
Importantly, the float is also used to go to other community events in the Lower Mainland to raise awareness for Steveston Village as a place to visit.
This year, Spirit of Steveston won several awards, including best float, at the Hayak Festival in New Westminster. By participating in other parades, the board is also able to procure some of the best floats from around the region, to bring to Steveston on Canada Day.