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$29 pass lets Richmond kids swim, play all summer

Youth ages five to 18 can take part in many activities in civic facilities.
The Minoru Centre for Active Living is one facility where youth can use the city's Summer Active Pass.

The city is once again providing summer active passes for Richmond’s children and youth.

The summer pass is available for youth aged five to 18 years.

The one-time price of the pass is $29 per person, and it includes swimming, skating, golfing and some drop-in activities.

Skate and golf rental fees are not included.

“This low cost option for children and youth to get active and connect with others this summer,” the city said in a press release.

The Minoru Centre for Active Living, Watermania, Richmond Ice Centre as well as Cambie, City Centre, Hamilton, South Arm, Steveston, Thompson and West Richmond Community Centres are all participating in this program.

The active pass can be purchased in person at the listed locations and it's valid until Sept. 2.

For more details, click here.

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