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Children's Summer Reading Club book reviews

These book reviews are provided by youth enrolled in Richmond Public Library’s Summer Reading Club.
books kids
From left to right: Bram, Cara and Precious

These book reviews are provided by youth enrolled in Richmond Public Library’s Summer Reading Club. 

Title: The Fabulous Friend Machine

Author: Nick Bland

Reviewed by: Cara, age 6

This book is about a hen that got a phone and she heard Hello and they were wolves! I like this book because it teaches you how to not talk to someone who you do not know!

I give this book 3 stars.


Title: Spiderman Versus Scorpion

Author: Susan Hill

Reviewed by: Bram, age 5

Spiderman uses his smarts to defeat Scorpion. I like the action pictures.

I give this book 5 stars.


Title: Fort Solitude

Author: Derek Fridolfs

Reviewed by: Precious, age 10

This book is about a group of superhero friends who work together to find missing students at Evergreen Adventure Camp. They defeat their enemy, Brainiac, who captured the students to download their skills and strength and use them to take over the world.

I like this book because it explains how friendships and being trustworthy are important. I like the part where the story leads into a mystery. It really makes me more excited as I read on. This book tells me to work hard with friends and to trust them. I give this book 5 stars.