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Christmas spending hangover

As the holiday celebrations come to an end, many of Richmond's citizens are looking at the hole burned in their wallets and are scratching their heads wondering where their extra savings went.

As the holiday celebrations come to an end, many of Richmond's citizens are looking at the hole burned in their wallets and are scratching their heads wondering where their extra savings went.

As the list for presents grew, so did the prices for even simple stocking stuffers. A pair of socks won't do when shopping for that super sophisticated boss who already has everything known to man. What about that overly nice co-worker who is always trying to outdo you. Not to mention that helpful neighbour and cheerful paper boy. Oh, and the infamous best friend who has secret high hopes for an amazing present.

The list goes on and on and suddenly, before you know it, your budget is maxed out, you're in debt and behind on your savings.

Time to pick up those extra shifts at work, but if you're in a workplace like mine, hours are being cut - although things are certain to pick up in January.

After witnessing all the gift cards sold at my workplace prior to Christmas, people are sure to come in and use them.

It seems gift cards have become more and more popular with every holiday season that passes. It's the perfect way to say to a person that you have given some thought to their gift but didn't buy something they wouldn't like.

Besides breaking the bank, another effect of the holiday season is the fact that your skinny jeans are suddenly a lot skinnier. Although it would be nice to think that they shrunk in the dryer, they probably didn't.

With all the sweet treats and the extravagant Christmas dinner, there is sure to be a small weight gain. Not to worry, though, the New Year is a fresh start and a chance to fit back into your skinny jeans without turning blue due to a lack of oxygen. A special thank you to all my readers. May 2012 be prosperous for you.