Reflecting on Canada’s 150th birthday, the 2017 Richmond Earth Day Youth (REaDY) Summit’s theme is Growing Towards Another 150.
The event will take place on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at Hugh Boyd secondary, on No. 1 Road.
This year’s conference includes:
• Two keynote speakers: Abhayjeet Singh Sachal — a Grade 10 student and local environmental leader, and David Isaac — a long-time advocate for Indigenous health and a leader in developing community-owned solar projects throughout Canada;
• Interactive workshops led by students and professionals on a variety of sustainability topics, including sustainable transportation, water conservation, sustainable food and cooking, native pollinators, household recycling and youth leadership;
• Educational and engaging exhibits by partners, sponsors and community organizations.
Now in its sixth year, the summit is an award-winning event that is youth-led.
The conference promotes environmental awareness and action through inspirational speakers and hands-on workshops.
The event is targeted to high school and elementary students from Richmond’s schools, but people of all ages throughout Metro Vancouver are also encouraged to participate.
The REaDY Summit is delivered through an on-going partnership between the City of Richmond, the Richmond School District and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Admission to the summit is free, however pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited. For more information on the workshops and to register, please