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Kudos: Local cultural society donates $30K to Richmond Hospital

Funds will be used to purchase new imaging technologies.
Cheque presentation from the Pacific Chinese Cultural Society to the Richmond Hospital Foundation.

Richmond-based Pacific Chinese Cultural Society raised and donated $30,000 to the Richmond Hospital Foundation.

The donation will be used for new imaging technologies for the Milan and Maureen Ilich Medical Imaging Centre and the future emergency department in the Yurkovich Family Pavilion.

“Many of our members wish to support Richmond health care because they are Richmond residents, they have friends and family here or they visit the city often,” said Wesley Liang, president of the Pacific Chinese Cultural Society.

“In particular, we want to direct our support towards the Medical Imaging Centre Campaign, because we know it will benefit the people in the community for a long time into the future.”

The Pacific Chinese Cultural Society raised funds in the past year through dinners, charity sales and individual donations.

"Through rallying others in their network, they have helped raise funds and ignite a spirit of philanthropy in our community," said Natalie Meixner, President and CEO of Richmond Hospital Foundation.

"Thank you for helping ensure Richmond patients have access to the best care possible.”

Richmond Hospital Foundation will help fund the acquisition of new imaging technologies for diagnosing, tracking, and monitoring medical conditions.

These technologies include CT scanners, MRI machines, mammography machines, SPECT machines, X-ray machines, interventional radiology machines and a satellite medical imaging centre in the future emergency department.

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