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Lunar New Year: Eight lucky symbols and decorations to ring in the New Year

The colours red and gold after often associated with luck.

Whether it is a four-leaf clover or a rabbit’s foot, everyone has their own trinket that represents good luck and Lunar New Year is no different.

Here are eight symbols or items that bring good luck to families during Lunar New Year celebrations:

Chinese symbols for luck

One of the most popular Chinese symbols of good luck during Lunar New Year is the Chinese character “fu”. The symbol is often written in black or printed in gold, on a red background. It is said that the symbol brings in positive energy and happiness when hung in homes and in the center of a door. Some Asian cultures also tape their “fu” characters upside down because the character becomes the Chinese word for “arrive” which symbolizes that happiness has arrived.

Three Chinese Lucky Coins

Three Chinese lucky coins tied with a red ribbon is said to bring good fortune. The coins are supposed to be placed in the southeast corner of your home or carried inside a purse to bring wealth.

Bamboo plants

Bamboo is known to be a symbol of strength in Asian cultures. The bamboo plant symbolizes the wish for a strong life filled with prosperity. Plants are often sold with different numbers of stalks, each representing luck in different areas of one’s life. Two stalks represent love; three represent happiness, wealth and long life; five stalks bring  wealth; six represent good luck in general; seven ensure health; eight stalks bring growth; nine represents great luck; ten symbolizes perfection and 21 will bring about a powerful blessing.

Red Pockets/Envelopes

During Lunar New Year, one of the most well-known items given to others is the lucky red envelope filled with money. They are used for gift-giving and traditionally are given by married couples to those younger than them as a symbol of good luck.

Mystic Knots

Mystic knots are often used as decorations to represent happiness and eternity. Each knot consists of six infinity knots tied together, which represents never-ending luck. They can be hung on their own as a keychain or paired with other lucky symbols and decorations.

Spring couplets

Couplets are red-coloured strips usually with black or gold Chinese characters written on them. The couplets are used as decorations to express happiness and hope for the upcoming year. Longer vertical couplets are usually taped to the side of the door, a smaller horizontal couplet above the door and a diamond shaped couplet are to be taped in the middle of the door.

Plum and Peach blossoms

Fruit blossoms are often used to decorate houses during Lunar New Year. The plum and peach blossoms symbolize the start of a cycle for plentiful crop of fruit for later in the year. Peach blossoms symbolize long life, romance and prosperity which many single people look for. Meanwhile, plum blossoms symbolize being a reliable person who will keep trying during difficult times.

Red Chinese lanterns

Red lanterns symbolize life and a prosperous business in Chinese culture. The lanterns are often hung in pairs. It is said that hanging them is to “light the way” for the family’s “kitchen god” – a spiritual being that reports to celestial gods about the family and then will reward or punish families based on the report. The red lanterns help the kitchen god find the door of their house on the way back from their journey. Make sure to not hang the lantern at the center of the door or it will block the positive energy coming in and the negative energy leaving.