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Memory of mom allays head-shaving fears

Hairdresser Bobby Brar is setting aside reservations over losing her locks so she can honour her mom and raise funds for several charities
Hairdresser Bobby Brar is bracing herself to have her head shaved at Legends Pub on Saturday to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of her mom, in photo frame, who battled breast cancer.

Having travelled extensively this year and built up quite a tan, Richmond's Bobby Brar is understandably nervous about a white scalp appearing when her long, black hair disappears this weekend.

Her fear, however, is tempered by the warm reaction the Richmond hairdresser is generating from friends and clients every time someone donates to her cause.

On Saturday evening, on the eve of her 33rd birthday, Brar will have her hair — which stretches halfway down her back — completely shaved off in aid of Wigs for Kids BC, the CIBC Run for the Cure and for the Richmond Hospital Foundation.

However, the fundraising — from the event at Legends Pub on Sept. 24 from 6 p.m. — will be a by-product of Brar’s motivation; to mark the 10th anniversary of her mom, Rajinder, losing her battle with breast cancer.

“Every day I get a little bit more terrified,” Brar said of the prospect of losing a lifetime of hair.

“I’m quite tanned, so I’m worried about my scalp being super white!

“But having all these donations coming in assures me I’m doing right by mom.

“The memory of her kicks in every time I get a donation, every time someone makes a comment on Facebook and every time someone shares the link online.”

Brar’s brother, Paul, told the Richmond News how his sister shaved their mom’s head during chemotherapy many years ago.

“My mother refused to wear a wig and fought the disease head on,” said Paul.

“She was an incredibly proud and strong woman. People have tried to talk (Bobby) out of it, but she is on a mission to help and inspire others.”

Bobby has also entered a team in next month’s CIBC Run for the Cure.

“I really wanted to do something to mark the date. I’ve been getting lots of donations, close to $3,000 for the Run for the Cure,” she said.

“But I couldn’t have done any of this without Paul, who has been amazing.

“He’s been a huge support; he’s always been by my side. He’s a true friend.”

At Saturday’s fundraiser, Brar will split the proceeds from the ticket sales between the Run for the Cure and the Richmond Hospital Foundation, where there’s an account in her mom’s memory, while auction bids will go to Wigs for Kids.

Tickets for Saturday’s fundraiser at Legend’s are $25 for a burger and beer and are available at