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Out and About: Family farm day at Richmond's London Heritage Far

Activities on a four-acre heritage site over the weekend.

August is the month for Family Farm Day at London Heritage Farm, a celebration that offers live music, arts and crafts, and entertainment for kids.

The farm is a historical site with a restored farmhouse from the1880s that was occupied by the London family.  

The farmhouse now includes a tea room, a small gift shop and six display rooms replicating life at the turn of the 19th century.

When I attended recently, the farm and its park were filled with people enjoying a wide range of family-friendly activities. 

The activities included pony rides, rabbits meet and treat, a raptor display by OWL, kids woodshop building projects, Lego building, balloon twisting and face painting.

All of this took place in a four-acre site with heritage gardens, community gardens, agricultural exhibits, a chicken coop, beehives and a beautifully restored house from the Victorian era. 

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