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Out and About: World Peace Run comes to Lingyen Mountain Temple

A global torch relay has been taking place around the world since 1987.

 Lingyen Mountain Temple hosted the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run on June 25.

Founded in 1987, this global torch relay is unique in its connection of people and nations with the common — and ambitious — goal of achieving world peace.

Since it started, the run has visited almost every country on earth – more than 150 nations and territories – and affected the lives of millions of people.

The motto of the Peace Run is "Peace begins with me."

There were 17 runners from a variety of countries, including Poland, Mexico, Australia and the USA.

The runners were welcomed in a ceremony held in the temple’s garden, a beautiful, peaceful place. 

The Global Torch Relay was one of the activities on the first day of the series of events that ran this year from June 25 to July 1.  

The relay was part of the Water, Land and Air Grand Dharma Service. 

The services throughout the week reflected this longing for peace.

Esteemed Buddhist masters from North America and Asia presided over the ceremonies.

About 150 volunteers and 400 participants attended services on the first day of the special activities. 

The temple website celebrates our planet — the physical/spiritual home and environment of humanity. The goal is to bring about social harmony and inclusiveness. 

The events have noble goals — “Dedicated to the safety of the nation and quelling of disasters, repaying kindness and praying for blessings.”

The Lingyen Mountain Temple is located at 10065 No. 5 Rd.

More information about the Lingyen Temple and its activities can be found here.

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