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Prepare yourself this winter

Extreme cold, freezing rain, strong winds and even snow are common in our winter months. The City of Richmond is providing residents with tips to ensure a safe winter. Tips for personal preparedness:.

Extreme cold, freezing rain, strong winds and even snow are common in our winter months. The City of Richmond is providing residents with tips to ensure a safe winter.

Tips for personal preparedness:. Have an emergency kit on-hand that includes a flashlight with batteries, glowin-the-dark stick lights, wind-up clock, portable radio, manual can opener and Mylar blanket. Stock drinking water (one gallon per person per day), dry and canned food and first aid materials. Stock up on additional blankets, in case of prolonged power outages. Be weather smart and dress appropriately - a hat, gloves and warm, waterproof footwear are necessary for all outdoor activities. Develop an emergency plan with your family to identify where each member should go if getting home is not possible because of weather conditions. Visit for emergency kits and plans.

Tips to prepare your property:. Look for catch basins in the roadway in front of your home and clear away debris such as fallen leaves, branches and snow. Clear leaves from your roof's eaves and ensure appropriate drainage near your house to prevent pooling. Secure everything that might be blown around or torn loose during windy conditions. Flying objects such as garbage cans and lawn furniture can injure people and damage property. Keep a de-icer product on hand and spread it on your walkways after ice forms to give traction. Organic and ecologically safe de-icers will not corrode concrete and are safer for vegetation, pets and children. Clear snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to your property and help neighbours who are not able to. Bylaw 5870 requires commercial, industrial and multifamily property owners to remove snow and ice no later than 10 a.m. of every day except Sunday Tips to prepare your vehicle:. Install good winter tires on your vehicle. Keep your gas tank topped up. Ensure all lights and defrosters are in good working condition. Replace windshield wipers with ones especially designed for icy weather. Top up vehicle's reservoir with winter window wash fluid. Check your vehicle battery - a vehicle with a weak battery won't start in cold temperatures.

For more tips on preparing for the winter weather, visit