It was a very jolly 2018 indeed for Richmond charities, thanks to the generosity of the Richmond Auto Mall.
Three signature events hosted by the auto mall generated a whopping $134,000, and that’s not including the myriad of individual projects undertaken by the dealerships based there.
The auto mall’s signature event, the 15th annual Windows of Hope, continued its record streak, pulling in $37,000 for the Richmond Christmas Fund, surpassing last year’s total of $36,275.
The 15-year tally for this event is now fast approaching $300,000.
The festivities kicked off Nov. 21 with 24 sponsor-backed teams warming the auto mall by painting happy holiday images on the dealership windows, with fundraising continuing through the new year.
The auto mall was yet again the top donor to the Richmond Food Bank Drive, bringing in $32,000 in cash and 864 pounds of food.
The new Claus on the block, A Not So Silent Night, staged by the Richmond Christmas Fund (operated by Richmond Cares Richmond Gives) was hosted by the auto mall on Nov. 28 at Audi Richmond’s second floor showroom.
It made a stunning debut, raising $65,000 in a high-end evening that included live entertainment, hors d'oeuvres and auctions.
“It was the most successful event in the history of the Richmond Christmas Fund, going back to 1932,” said Wayne Duzita, the Richmond Christmas Fund’s co-chair.