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Richmond Garlic Festival returns for the 13th year

Have you tried garlic ice cream before?
The Richmond Garlic Festival is taking place on August 20 this year. Sharing Farm Society photo

A festival celebrating all things garlic is returning to Richmond this summer.

The Richmond Sharing Farm, at 2771 Westminster Hwy., is hosting its 13th annual Garlic Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug. 20.

Garlic ice cream, garlic scones, garlic popcorn and roasted garlic bread are on the list of treats offered at the one-day event.

Sarah Drewery, executive director at the Sharing Farm Society, said they are excited to have the festival back in full force while teaching visitors about the farm.

“We’re trying to educate people about what’s going on at the Sharing Farm … and about sustainable agriculture,” said Drewery.

“I want to make sure that the people coming here also realize what we do like growing food for food banks while using sustainable agricultural practices.”

The festival saw about 5,000 people in 2022, and Drewery said they aim for the same number of visitors, if not more this year.

Meanwhile, a call is being made for volunteers to help with food and drinks, supervise kids' activities, and collect donations at the event.

People are encouraged to take public transit or bike to the event as there is limited parking. Free parking and a shuttle bus from the Public Works Yard on Lynas Lane are also available all day.

While admission is free, the Sharing Farm Society is suggesting visitors make a $5 donation to support the farm.

For more information, click here.