As many residents can attest first-hand, Richmond is fortunate to have a community hospital with expert care close to home. What people may not know is how equally fortunate we are to have leaders from right across our community who volunteer their time and expertise for Richmond Hospital Foundation’s board of directors.
Richmond Hospital Foundation’s 2016 volunteer board is comprised of 13 women and men with a broad range of skill sets and expertise from many backgrounds, representing seniors, families, local businesses, and cultural diversity.
Kyle Shury is Richmond Hospital Foundation’s newly appointed board chair. Kyle is the principal of Platform Properties Ltd., a local real estate developer, and is in his sixth year as a member of Richmond Hospital Foundation’s board. A Richmond resident, Kyle is married to wife Megan and a father of two daughters, ages 11 and 9 and one son, age 7.
Kyle says he’s honoured to serve as chair of such a strong, talented and committed team that’s reflective of our community. “We are working toward ensuring a very culturally diverse board with a wide variety of expertise and skill sets. Everybody brings insight unique to their various communities as well as their own talents to the board, and I’m truly impressed by how cohesive and aligned we are.”
Many patients and families rely on local health care at Richmond Hospital, whether it is for an emergency or any other health care need, and Kyle says the board is united and passionate in its commitment to help improve patient care. “I’m genuinely excited about where we are and where we are headed. Everyone on our board is fully focused on our vision.”
“As a board we are responsible for providing outstanding governance and direction. We pride ourselves on our transparency and the duty of care required with donor’s funds. that’s a guiding principle and we take it very seriously.”
“We are proud to help deliver results on behalf of our donors to our hospital. this means helping ensure our doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and improved facilities for the future to provide the exemplary health care that Richmond is known for.”
Kyle says he is personally grateful to Richmond hospital Foundation donors. “The health services in our community rely on the support of donors and we thank everyone for the important life-saving contributions they make.”
Looking ahead, Kyle says donors will become increasingly important to ensure the future of local health care in Richmond. “Our donors are leaders in the community who are passionate about improving health care here at home, and I invite everyone to continue to be advocates in the community to advance the cause to improve care at Richmond Hospital, residential care facilities and in the community,” he says. “We need your support and your leadership. We need everyone to say ‘yes’ to health care in Richmond.”