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Richmond resident awarded King Charles III Coronation Medal

King Charles III's Coronation Medal recognizes the contribution made to the province, community or Canada.
Richmond resident Balwant Sanghera (third from the right) accepting the King Charles Third Coronation Medal.

A Richmond resident was honoured with the King Charles III Coronation Medal last week.

Balwant Sanghera, a committee member of the Indian Culture Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas, was presented the coronation medal on Aug. 23 by Richmond North Centre MLA Teresa Wat.

The coronation medal recognizes the significant contribution an individual has made to Canada or a particular province, territory, region or community in the country. This also includes outstanding achievements made abroad that have brought credit to Canada.

Sanghera previously received multiple accolades for his community work including the Order of British Columbia, Queen's Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilee medals, Solicitor General's Lifetime Achievement Award for crime prevention and community safety, top 25 Canadian immigrants, and many more.

"For me, all these honours, medals and recognition are very special. Such recognition makes me proud to be a Canadian," said Sanghera.

"I am very thankful to numerous organizations, agencies and well-wishers for considering me worth these honours."

Sanghera arrived in Canada in 1966 and describes the country as "wonderful, generous, welcoming, compassionate and multicultural."

"Canada is one of the most desirable countries to live in," said Sanghera.

"As residents of Canada, we have an obligation and a responsibility to make whatever contribution we can ... for its betterment."

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