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Richmond's Sharing Farm makes first large donation of the year to food bank

Sharing Farm Society makes donations to Richmond Food Bank and Musqueam Nation.
Sharing Farm's first produce of the season is bok choy.

Richmond's Sharing Farm Society made its first produce donation for the season.

The local farm, located in Terra Nova, has been providing access to healthy produce through sustainable farming since 2002.

Every year, they harvest and donate much of their fresh produce to the Richmond Food Bank.

This year, the first batch of produce to make its way from the farm to the food bank was 70 pounds of bok choy.

Leslie Williams, executive director of Sharing Farm Society, described the farm's season as "shaping up" despite a wet spring that delayed their planting.

"This last stretch of sunny weather allows us to get lots of our crops into the field," said Williams.

She told the Richmond News the farm typically starts making significant donations to the Richmond Food Bank and the Musqueam Nation in June.

Last June, the farm donated 4,900 pounds of produce including bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, scallions and more.

For the entire year, the farm donated a total of 26,825 pounds of produce.

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