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RSCL Employment Services – Good for Business, Good for Community

Are you looking to hire an enthusiastic individual who is capable and dependable? If so, RSCL Employment Services is here to help by matching individuals with developmental disabilities who are ready and able to work with employers who are tapping in
Community Matters
RSCL Employment Services – Good for Business, Good for Community. Are you looking to get a job or hire someone?
Are you looking to hire an enthusiastic individual who is capable and dependable? If so, RSCL 
Employment Services is here to help by matching individuals with developmental disabilities 
who are ready and able to work with employers who are tapping into a typically underused 
labour pool ...with great success.
Since 2007 RSCL Employment Services has been delivering one-on-one support for individuals 
who wish to gain employment through a process of discovery, job search and job coaching. 
Individuals who wish to become employed identify the types of work that they find of interest, 
and RSCL Employment Specialists survey the Richmond labour market for suitable employment 
opportunities. RSCL staff also look for possibilities to “job carve” specific responsibilities from 
an existing position or multiple positions in order to create a suitable employment opportunity 
for the individual.
 At the same time, RSCL works with potential employers to identify opportunities for improved 
efficiency and employee retention. Once an employment opportunity is found, RSCL staff 
members support the individual through the application, interview, orientation and training 
process. RSCL staff continues to liaise with the employee, the employer and his/her business 
to ensure long-term success. 
RSCL Employment Services responds to the desire of individuals who are living with a 
developmental disability to pursue employment as a means to full inclusion in our community. 
At the same time, the program also addresses employers’ growing demand for qualified, 
reliable employees by providing creative employment solutions, candidate screening and one-
to-one support through the hiring and training process. Employers who choose to hire an 
individual with a developmental disability demonstrate their commitment to our community 
and to diversity in the workplace. 
Learn more about the benefits of hiring an individual with a disability on Thursday, October 
2nd at RSCL’s annual Employer Appreciation breakfast at the Marriott Vancouver Airport from 
7:30-9:00am. For more information and to purchase tickets please call 604-279-7040 or email 
Myth: Persons with disabilities can’t keep up with other workers
Fact: 90 per cent of persons with disabilities rated average or better on the job performance 
than their non-disabled colleagues
(Statistics Canada - Employing a Person with a Disability)