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Sun sets on library’s summer reading club reviews

The Summer Reading Club at the Richmond Public Library has finally come to a close. This year, more than 3,800 young readers signed up and spent the summer reading, writing reviews, collecting stickers and winning prizes.

The Summer Reading Club at the Richmond Public Library has finally come to a close. This year, more than 3,800 young readers signed up and spent the summer reading, writing reviews, collecting stickers and winning prizes.
If you are one and you haven’t yet picked up your medal, drop in to any Richmond Public Library branch and collect it. Don’t forget to bring your SRC booklet. Way to go Richmond kids! Keep reading! Here are the final book reviews for summer 2016:

Shouldn’t You Be In School?
By Lemony Snicket
Reviewer: Aaron, age 10
This book is about how Lemony Snicket and his associates solve mysteries to stop Hangfire’s treachery in the town of Stain’d By The Sea.
They sneak in the Wade Academy to discover what Hangfire is up to.
Will Lemony Snicket solve the mysteries, or will Hangfire rise?
I like this book because it tells us how to write mysteries. The book lets us use our brains to think of how to solve the mystery.
It produces powerful imagery to tell us how this person feels like. I also like it because mysteries are my favourite type of books.
I give this book five stars!

Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur
By Luke Sharpe
Reviewer: Austin, age nine
This book is about a boy named Billy Sure. He invented something called the All Ball. After he invented it, he goes on national TV. He then tries to invent something called the Sibling Silencer, but he is under deadline. Will Billy build it in time or will disaster strike?
I like this book because I like how the author includes lots of descriptions. I also like how the author takes us into Billy’s head and into his thoughts. The thing I love best about this book is when Billy tries the Sibling Silencer on his sister and it fails, making his sister speak in funny animal noises.
The last thing I love is when the author wants to express a word he makes it 3-D.
I give this book five stars!

Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique
By Jane O’Conner
Reviewer: Jeanelle, age seven
This book is about JoJo’s birthday. JoJo, Nancy’s sister, really wants the rhinestone necklace, but Nancy says that JoJo likes pirate stuff. Then her sister gets mad.
I like this book because at the end it was a happy ending and I love happy endings.
I also liked when they had a fashion show and when they went to Belle’s Fabulous Boutique.
I give this book five stars!