Besides establishing a cardiovascular base and doing resistance/strength workouts, it's important to stretch our muscles (and our minds).
You can do a do-it-yourself stretch routine by following the exercises below.
Stretching is related to both flexibility and recovery, and helps to promote joint and muscle strength while allowing you to focus physically and mentally on how your body is feeling.
A simple self-directed stretch program could consist of a brisk 10 to 15-minute walk followed by these stretches and then a fiveminute easy walk.
Walking Lunges: In a controlled fashion, lower your hips as you step, the back knee coming close to but never touching the ground, with the front knee directly above the ankle. Repeat for 10 steps.
Leg Swings: Grab a pole, tree, bench or anything stable and freely swing your leg forward and back 10 times, and then back and forth across the midline of your body 10 times. Repeat with the other leg.
Torso Twists: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and arms directly out to your sides. Bend your knees slightly and rotate your body back and forth to the right and left, keeping perfect posture. Actively and gently turn side to side 20 times.
Hugs All Around: Hug your shoulders, and then gently swing your arms wide open. Repeat the hug un-hug 10 times.
Arm Swings: Stand tall, reaching your arms overhead. Make forward circles 10 times followed by backward circles 10 times. Repeat.
Side Bends: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and arms directly out to your sides. Reach as far down to the right as you can, return to standing, repeat on the left. Repeat 20 times per side.