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Applications open for Richmond's bi-annual ArtRich 2021

Artists have until September 10, 2021 to apply.
Richmond Cultural Centre.

Submissions for the city’s art showcase begin with new opportunities, and a few changes due to COVID, explained the local arts coalition.

Every two years, the Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC) holds an art exhibition called ArtRich that celebrates the city’s artists and puts a spotlight on emerging talents. The venue’s event is usually the Richmond Art Gallery, located in the Richmond Library and Cultural Centre.

However, this year’s ArtRich artists will also have the chance to have their art featured from Feb. 1 to Aug. 1, 2022 at the No. 3 Road Art Column Exhibition, which are the columns supporting the Lansdowne Skytrain Station.

According to the Richmond Arts Coalition website, ArtRich-selected artists will be asked to “apply in Oct. 2021 with images of their proposed four artworks for the exhibition and a Statement of Interest (incorporating artist bio and artwork statement).”

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an out of the ordinary situation that requires a more relaxed pricing of admission, Richmond Arts Coalition executive director Andrew Wade said in an email to the Richmond News.

“We recognize that the pandemic has put unusual and unprecedented stress on the finances of many artists. Thanks to a one-time BC Arts Council Resiliency Grant from the Province of British Columbia, this year we are able to waive ArtRich’s entry fees. All entrants will still need to be members with RAC, but there are no other costs to applying for this exhibition,” Wade said.

Application deadline for ArtRich 2021 is Sept. 10, 2021. Full details can be found here: