Got computer questions? Need help with the internet, email, popular online programs, or social media? What about your new eReader or eBooks?
If you're digitally challenged, the librarians at Richmond Public Library can help. Come to a free, drop in session and get the tech support you need. Sessions will be offered on Friday, Jan.
27 from 2: 30-3: 30 p.m. at the Brighouse Branch computer lab, located at 7700 Minoru Gate. Space is limited, so first come, first served. The session will start with a 15 minute talk or demonstration. The topic for January will be: "What is Social Media?" The library will feature a new topic each month, including subjects like popular online programs and services, and basic computer tips and tricks.
Participants are free to drop in at any time or stay for the whole hour.
The Richmond Chinese Community Association presents a Lunar New Year Celebration at Lansdowne Centre on Sunday, Jan. 22 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be Lion dances, cultural performances, exhibition booths and a Chinese craft fair. For more information, call 6042707222.
The Ling Yen Mountain Temple at 10060 No.5 Rd. will hold a Bell Ringing Ceremony on Chinese New Year's Eve (Sunday, Jan. 22, starting at 10 p.m. The ceremony will pray for the peace of, and a good year for the world and people. It is estimated thousands of people will come to this once-ayear ceremony. I believe it will make a good headline for your paper if you will send a journalist to report this festive event.
The Pacific Woodworkers Guild members meet on the third Tuesday of each month (except July and August). New members and guests are always welcome! They meet at 11060 No. 2 Rd. Come watch the presentations, get involved in the discussions and enjoy the refreshments.
THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Support Group meets at 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month through to June, at the Richmond Presbyterian Church, 7111 No 2 Rd, Family members, friends and caregivers also welcome. Come any enjoy a social gathering with new and old friends. For more information, call Pat McKendrick at 604 271 6065 or Mary James 604 277 5977.
t's that time of year for the Sun Run In-Training at South Arm Community Centre. Participants run (and walk) out of South Arm Community Hall, beginning Wednesdays, Jan. 18 at 6: 30 p.m. for a 13-week program. This is the only Night Clinic in Richmond. Participants receive: Sun Run entrance, training shirt and a race day "T" shirt There are guest lecturers, great leadership and a great positive learning environment. Register online at www.richmond. ca/parksrec/about/registration.htm, call 604-276-4300, Monday to Friday, from 8: 30 a.m.
- 5: 30 p.m., or in person at South Arm Community Center, 8880 Williams Rd.