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Duo to perform 'healing' music

A Richmond mother-daughter duo will use the healing power of music at an upcoming show in East Vancouver in memory of a Surrey hockey mom who was murdered last December.

A Richmond mother-daughter duo will use the healing power of music at an upcoming show in East Vancouver in memory of a Surrey hockey mom who was murdered last December.

"I think it's important to bring community together for events like this," said Cherelle Jardine, who, along with daughter Ajaye, form The Jardines. "It's a chance to get people out of their day-to-day mindset and thinking about the tragedy that happened, and allow them to forget about things for a while."

Julie Paskall was found dead outside the Newton Arena where she was scheduled to pick up her son. Police continue to investigate the case, but have not publicly announced if they have a suspect.

"It was one of those things that I saw on the news when it happened and thought it was devastating, and so close to home," Jardine said. "She was just there, waiting outside the rink."

The Jardines, who are a contemporary country pop/roots act, got involved through their relationship with fellow musician Johnny DeMarco who works with Paskall's husband Al and wanted to do something to help the family.

"Johnny does tons of community service work, putting on concerts for various events," Jardine said. "He gave me a call and told me about his relationship with Julie's husband and asked me if the Jardines would come and perform. And of course, we said yes to that," Jardine said.

The Jardines regularly accompany DeMarco on stage for a fundraiser for juvenile AIDS victims in Africa. So, taking time out before a scheduled return to Nashville, Tennessee to record their third album was not a problem.

"It's the right thing to do to help the community heal and remember Julie," Jardine said, adding they will be joined by Michael Flunkert on steel guitar to perform a rare, acoustic set.

The show, called An Evening of Song & Dance, Johnny DeMarco, The Jardines and Friends, is set for May 23 at The Wise Hall (1882 Adanac Street). Show time is 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 at the door. Money raised that night will be donated to Variety -The Children's Charity of B.C. which has provided service to the Paskall family following the tragedy.

For more information on tickets, email [email protected].