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Richmond restaurant shut down for dirty dishes

A closure order was spotted at the restaurant’s entrance on Alexandra Road on Thursday.
Miss Fu in Chengdu on Alexandra Road. Vikki Hui photo

Another restaurant in Richmond’s food district was slapped with a health and safety closure order yesterday.

Miss Fu in Chengdu on Alexandra Road was told to close on Oct. 4 after a Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) inspection revealed its improper dishwashing practices.

A closure order was spotted on the door at the skewers joint Thursday morning. A sign blocking the entrance states in Chinese that the restaurant is temporarily closed due to broken equipment.

According to the order, Miss Fu failed to comply with section 17 of the B.C. Food Premises Regulation, which requires operators of food premises to ensure “the premises and the equipment and utensils used on the premises are maintained in a sanitary condition.”

Operators such as Miss Fu must also wash and sanitize equipment, utensils and food contact surfaces in a way that removes contamination.

Miss Fu was ordered to close and must repair or replace its dishwasher. It was also asked to “thoroughly clean” the premises.

According to VCH, closure orders are only issued when there are "immediate health hazards that cannot be addressed during an inspection or readily brought into compliance."

Last week, a dessert joint on the same block received a closure order due to pest infestation and unsanitary premises.

According to a VCH inspection report, Fujiwara Tofu was allowed to reopen on Sept. 29 even though its premises was not free of pests.