On Tuesday, police named Theoren Gregory Poitras as Richmond's latest homicide victim.
Poitras was known to Alberta police for his involvement in gang activity, according to an RCMP news release.
Poitras died on Oct. 2 near Talmey Neighbourhood Park in the West Cambie area.
Poitras, 25, was a resident of Richmond at the time.
"At this early stage in the investigation, the reasons for his death remain a mystery but police have identified people of interest in this case. His cause of death will not be released at this time," stated RCMP.
At the time of the initial investigation, there were reports of gunshots and police reported Poitras had been targeted. Police said he had "apparent" gunshot wounds.
Police are asking anyone with information on this case to call the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team at 1-877-551-4448 or Crimestoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477.
A friend of the Poitras family emailed the Richmond News, asking for assistance to find the family dog, Hugo, which Poitras was taking care of at the time.
Family friend Petula Maxwell said Poitras grew up in the Cree Nation, raised by his single mother. The mother, who lives in Edmonton, doesn't have money to visit Richmond to find the dog, said Maxwell.
Poitras is survived by two sisters.