Jack Mar was born in China but moved to Vancouver as a boy. Now hes the CEO of Richmond-based Star Solutions International, which does a lot of work in China. There, Mar has the advantage of knowing the language. But not knowing the language hasnt stopped him from going elsewhere in the world, like India, Afghanistan and Malaysia.
If you want to do business you just go, Mar said. Its not that foreign out there.
Star Solutions designs, manufactures and sells the infrastructure for cellular networks basically everything except the handset, Mar said.
Its specialty is finding cellular solutions for remote areas. In China, for example, the company has set up a wireless network using cell technology to operate in the underground coal mines. The company also works with telecommunications providers expanding their coverage into rural areas.
Less than 10 per cent of the companys business is in Canada. The rest is divided equally between Asia and Africa.
China is fast becoming the worlds largest economic power with gross domestic product of $7.3 billion US. While that still lags substantially behind the United States, with its GDP in 2011 of $14.5 billion, China is predicted to surpass the U.S. within the decade.
As China grows, so too do British Columbias exports to it. In 2011, B.C. exported a total $32.7 billion of merchandise (services arent included in export data), $5 billion of which went to China.
The United States is still B.C.s biggest export market, importing $14 billion worth of goods last year, but the balance is definitely shifting. A decade ago, in 2001, exports to China from B.C. were worth only $700 million while the U.S. bought $22.1 billion worth of B.C. goods.
No industry better reflects this shift than B.C.s forest products industry.
In 2005, B.C. was shipping 9.75 billion board feet of SPF lumber (the spruce, pine or fir lumber that is B.C.s standard shipment) to the U.S., said Paul Newman, executive director of market access and trade at B.C.s Council of Forest Industries and president of Canada Wood Group, a pan-Canadian industry group. In 2011, B.C. only shipped four billion board feet to the U.S.
But during the same time frame, shipments to Asia jumped from 731 million board feet, or seven per cent of export shipments, to 3.5 billion, or 47 per cent.
So the U.S. collapsed and Asia kind of exploded, Newman said. Thats the fundamental story.
The forest products industry has been helped by both the federal and provincial governments who have funded industry organizations like Canada Wood and have led trade missions to Asia.
Those efforts started long before the housing market in the U.S. collapsed.
We were probably six or seven years into the exercise before we started to get traction and see increased sales, Newman said.
James Brander, Asia-Pacific professor of international business and public policy at the University of B.C.s Sauder School of Business calls the shift in lumber exports to China from the U.S. amazing.
As China has become wealthier, the demand for things that use wood like houses, or furniture or low-rise structures is becoming greater, Brander said.
China is now a really important market for us. And softwood lumber is our most important single export.
But China wants other B.C. goods as well. In 1993 China became a net importer of oil and in 2010 it became the worlds biggest consumer of energy.
That is why the B.C. government is anxious to get liquefied natural gas plants operating in Kitimat to send gas to China.
So when including energy and mineral exports and some manufactured products, its just natural that China has become a very important market for us, Brander said.
Geography is key, with Chinas relative proximity to B.C. making it a good market to target.
The provinces forest products industry, for example, has no plans to expand to Eastern Europe, an area its Eastern Canadian counterparts are looking at.
Frankly, for the industry here in the West, when you look at transportation, were better to be making our investments in Asia and India, Newman said.
There are other reasons why B.C. tends to focus on Asia for trade, said Jock Finlayson, executive vice-president of the Business Council of B.C.
Its quite understandable from a B.C. perspective that most of the focus is on the Asia-Pacific region where we have currently a fair amount of business (and) we have some investment connections, Finlayson said.
A lot of the immigration coming into British Columbia is from Asian jurisdictions and that actually has an impact, I think, on prompting more interest.
The International Monetary Fund is predicting China will continue growing at more than eight per cent a year, down from the 10-per-cent annual growth it has been enjoying.
But investing in China comes with some concerns.
In a survey of Canadians with business or professional ties to Asia carried out by the Asia-Pacific Foundation the top three perceived barriers to Canada deepening its trade ties with China were intellectual property rules, weak dispute-settlement mechanisms and Chinese government regulations that discriminate against foreign companies.
Export Development Canada which helps companies break into foreign markets also warns of burdensome bureaucracy and corruption.
Corruption is entrenched at all levels of government in China, EDC says in its China Country Overview, available on its website.
Stuart Bergman, assistant chief economist with EDC says companies should also look beyond China for opportunities in Asia.
Canadians often think only of China when they think of Asia, he said.
And thats to our detriment, because there are immense opportunities in many other parts of Asia, particularly Southeast Asia, Bergman said. That includes Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.
India too is expected to become an economic powerhouse by 2050, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, which predicts India will be the second-largest economy in 2050 measured by purchasing power parity (behind only China).
But India is barely on the radar for B.C. companies, who exported only $200 million worth of goods there in 2011.
(That amount) is very, very small for a country of that size, Finlayson said.
But with a population of 1.3 billion people its obviously going to become one of the biggest economies in the world and its already on its way, he said.
There is no shortage of opportunities in Asia, Star Solutions Mar said.
So if you are not working in Asia, you need to go there. You just have to go and make the call and have the meeting.
Initiate the process, he said.
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/business.