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City approves new community plan

Richmond City Council approved a new Official Community Plan (OCP) at a public hearing on Monday evening. With the title, "Moving Towards Sustainability", the new OCP sets the framework for Richmond's future development to 2041.

Richmond City Council approved a new Official Community Plan (OCP) at a public hearing on Monday evening.

With the title, "Moving Towards Sustainability", the new OCP sets the framework for Richmond's future development to 2041.

This new plan prepares Richmond for the next 30 years of development, providing a plan for sustainable growth.

According to the city, the updated plan includes targets for Richmond's population to grow from almost 200,000 to 280,000 by 2041, by allowing increased density in selected areas, while protecting existing single-family neighbourhoods, farmland and environmentally sensitive areas.

Other significant new measures include steps to support Richmond's aging population, plans to reduce reliance on the vehicle for local transportation and supporting the city's commitments to combat climate change.

The new OCP was approved in a unanimous 7-0 vote, with two members of council, Derek Dang and Evelina Halsey-Brandt, absent.

The city last updated its OCP in 1999. The new 2041 OCP Update was prepared with the extensive participation of residents, business owners and stakeholders.