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Community policing station space planned for Hamilton neighbourhood

Proposal to be discussed at Richmond development permit panel meeting on Wednesday.
A mix-used development is being proposed in East Richmond's Hamilton neighbourhood.

A new development in East Richmond's Hamilton neighbourhood includes a space for a future police station.

This is on the agenda at Richmond's development permit panel meeting on Wednesday.

The proposal for a mixed-use, mid-rise development near the intersection of Smith Crescent and Gilley Road includes the long-awaited community policing station.

The 1,429 square-foot police station will be built on the ground level of the building and facing Gilley Road, which will be transferred to the city.

Getting a police station in Hamilton has been an ongoing discussion at city council.

Richmond RCMP has had officers working in the neighbourhood using the Hamilton Fire Hall as their "landing pad" for the past three years.

The development is proposing one four-storey apartment building, one five-storey mixed-used building and a two-storey amenity building over a one-level shared parking.

There will be a total of 186 dwelling units, including 167 strata units and 19 affordable rental units.

First phase of construction will be the south building on Gilley Road and Smith Crescent, including the city facility, residential amenity space and the parking structure.

Following that will be the north building.

If the proposal is approved at the development permit panel meeting, it will then go to city council for final approval.

-with files from Maria Rantanen

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