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Council pulls up stakes on RV park idea

The idea that someday Richmond would once again be a destination for RV campers appears to be over.
McDonald Beach
McDonald Beach Park was considered for an RV Park but city planners considered current land use and environmental concerns were obstacles. Google images. July 2016.

The idea that someday Richmond would once again be a destination for RV campers appears to be over.

Last year, city councillors on Richmond’s parks and recreation committee asked city parks planners to research whether or not the city could once again host an RV campground, perhaps similar to the one that existed near the Richmond Olympic Oval site.

The response this week in a staff report to the committee: Not a chance, considering the high land values of today and land use restrictions.

“A preliminary financial analysis of a 12-acre, 150 pad RV park on leased land has found that the financial case for an RV park is very weak in Richmond,” noted the report.

The city considered RV spaces at McDonald Beach, however aircraft noise and environmentally sensitive areas nearby outweighed the benefits. City properties on Triangle Road, Dyke Road and at Woodward’s Landing were also considered. Meanwhile, parks such as Garry Point and Terra Nova are already in high use for other activities.

The city hired a consultant for the report. The consultant noted RV parks are feasible on land costing $250,000 per acre. 

RV parks are not allowed on farmland either. Even if they were, Richmond’s farmland costs about $350,000 per acre.

Furthermore, the city is unaware of any private groups interested in starting an RV park business.

Report found here.