A mural in Steveston that has been deteriorating and is slated for removal could be repainted on another wall in the village.
In December, Richmond city staff recommended painting over the mural, which is a replica of John Horton’s Arrival of the S.V. Titania, currently located on the south wall of the Steveston Hotel.
The mural was painted in 2017 as part of the Canada 150 Public Art Program.
The new recommended location is the Fishermen’s Washrooms at Third Avenue and Bayview Street.
City staff say this location has “high visibility in the heart of Steveston Village” and is close to the original location.
The mural would be smaller, at five feet by 14 feet – the current mural on the Steveston Hotel is about 10 feet by 21 feet.
The artist is on board with repainting the mural, and it would be done by the original mural artist Dean Lauze.
The cost would be $20,000 and would come from city council’s contingency fund, a discretionary budget for unforeseen expenditures.
A second location was identified that would have allowed the mural to be painted the same size as it is now.
But this location, the Fisherman Storage Building at Sixth Avenue and Chatham Street, wouldn’t be as visible as the Fishermen’s Washrooms, and it would be farther from the original location.
The city would be responsible for ongoing maintenance of the mural. Its estimated lifespan is 10 years.
The painting Arrival of the S.V. Titania, normally located in Richmond City Hall, will be on loan to the Maritime Museum of British Columbia in Victoria for an exhibit of Horton’s work from March 31 to June 2.
The relocation of the mural is on the agenda for next Tuesday’s parks, recreation and cultural committee meeting.
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