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Elvis, Frosty, Santa go head-to-head in contest

Elves Gone Wild, Frosty's Famine Fighters and Santa's Steam Rollers.

Elves Gone Wild, Frosty's Famine Fighters and Santa's Steam Rollers.

Although sounding like gangs from a weird Christmas B-movie, they are, in fact, the product of the rather fertile imaginations among the 80-strong administration staff at Crown Packaging in south Richmond.

But it's all for a good cause, as each crazy Christmas team has been competing against one other to see who can raise the most groceries and cash for the Richmond Food Bank.

The winner, which will be announced Wednesday, gets bragging rights for a year and a pizza lunch for their team.

When the News dropped by their South Foot of Garden City Road boxing plant on Monday, it looked as if Santa's Steam Rollers was edging out in front of the race.

However, appearances can be deceptive and it was pointed out to the News that both Frosty and the Elves had hidden underbellies and secret compartments, which were hoarding many food items.

"I had no idea what this group is capable of, the team names are good but the presentations are unbelievable," said Crown Packaging's human resources administrator, Berni James.

James said lots of "friendly harassment" for donations has been taking place by team members, led by: Elves Gone Wild's Alysha McCulloch (capt.) and Fon Lum; Frosty's Famine Fighters' Ashley Reid (capt.) and Kimberlee Westerlund; Santa's Steam Rollers' Kim Mawer (capt.) and Terri Kita.