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If you're drinking this New Year's Eve, use the Nose

Annual charitable designated driver service will be up and running this weekend in Richmond and Delta
red Nose
Rudy (centre) with two Red Nose drivers.

Whether you are celebrating or not doing much this New Year’s Eve, Operation Red Nose has something to offer both.

“If you are celebrating, we encourage you to call us and book a ride to take you and your vehicle safely back home,” said Carlene Lewall, coordinator of Operation Red Nose Delta-Richmond.

“The service is open that night between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. and we recommend you call 30 to 45 minutes in advance of your desired pick-up time.

 “If you don’t have a lot planned, we invite you to consider volunteering and celebrating New Year’s Eve in grand style with a fabulous dinner and start your 2017 hearing a lot of stories from revellers and receiving a lot of warm and thankful hugs.

“This year, we are offering a fun and free night for volunteers’ kids that are participating that night without worrying about finding and paying for a babysitter.”

Children of New Year’s Eve volunteers are invited to enjoy a night of fun, indoor play in a gym, with snacks, crafts and movies and then snuggle into their sleeping bags until their parents are finished with their driving shift.

To use Operation Red Nose, call 604-943-0460 to arrange a ride. Clients must have a vehicle to use and donations or tips are greatly appreciated. All proceeds are directed to amateur sport to benefit children and youth in Delta and Richmond.

While Red Nose operates in the Delta/Richmond area, transfers can be arranged to and from other regions where the service is operating, allowing people to get home to all areas of the Lower Mainland, except Vancouver. 

However, if you will be partying in Vancouver, Red Nose can meet you at the Canada Line, where you may have left your car.

With eight of the nine nights completed, Delta-Richmond’s Red Nose has provided more than 400 rides with 350 volunteers participating.  

Navigators and escort drivers must be 19 years old or older and designated drivers must be 21 or older.

“Each of these nights, we have sent out our mascot Rudy to visit many Christmas parties.  Our latest reports show that Rudy joined a conga line, sang to rap tunes at a karaoke party, took selfies on an elevator, played pool and visited a party at the penthouse suite of a beautiful hotel and casino,” added Lewall. 

If you are interested in becoming part of the team, go online to or call 604-943-0460.