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Is your Richmond home climate-friendly? The city wants to show it off

Richmond is joining a province-wide initiative that educates homeowners on sustainability and low-energy solutions.
The City of Richmond is asking homeowners to participate in a tour to show off energy-efficient solutions.

A unique B.C. initiative is calling on Richmond homeowners to flaunt their climate-friendly houses.

The city is participating in the Climate-Friendly Homes Tour next month in hopes of challenging the public to find innovative low-energy solutions for their residences.

Local homes will be shown off on April 26. The deadline to register is March 31.

Funded by BC Hydro, the province-wide campaign will take a closer look at houses with sustainable technologies, such as heat pumps, high-performance building envelopes and passive house design.

Homeowners are not expected to show the entire residence the day of the tour, but to focus on key features that can encourage others to do the same.

"The goal of the tour is to start friendly, casual and informative conversations based on the homeowner's first-hand knowledge and experience with various climate-friendly features," a City of Richmond statement explained.

"By participating in the tour, homeowners will have the opportunity to inspire and motivate others to take the first step toward a climate-friendly lifestyle that would improve their comfort and potentially reduce operating costs."

Contractors and energy advisors will also be on-hand to share insights.

Those that participate in the tour may also inquire on costs, comfort and ongoing expenses, the city added.

A full tour schedule and more details of the event, administered by the Community Energy Association, will be posted to the Climate-Friendly Homes Tour's website when completed.

For more information, or if you wish to register your eco-friendly home, you can visit the tour's website.

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