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Karaoke and extended bar hours on the menu at Richmond restaurant

Four restaurants in Richmond have asked in the last year to extend their liquor-serving hours.
Richmond city council unanimously approved allowing Marina One to serve liquor later.

Another restaurant in Richmond wants to extend its liquor-serving hours to 2 a.m.

Marina One’s application to extend its hours is the fourth such application in Richmond’s city centre in the last year, all of which have been approved unanimously by city council.

Marina One, which specializes in seafood and Cantonese cuisine, opened under new ownership in 2022, and wants to attract more banquets and a younger clientele.

Not only do they want to serve liquor until 2 a.m., they want to be allowed to have “patron participation,” that is, karaoke, as well as dancing until midnight.

Marina One, located on No. 3 Road near Capstan Way, was bought out in 2018, but the pandemic delayed its reopening until last year.

“Requiring all liquor service to cease by midnight and not being able to offer limited patron participation entertainment would put Marina One at a competitive disadvantage relative to other restaurants both in Richmond and the Greater Vancouver area which do offer same,” read a letter from the owner’s lawyer, the Collingwood Law Office.

In the past year, city council has allowed three restaurants to extend their liquor-serving hours, two on Alexandra Road and one on No. 3 Road.

These are Heyjo Music BBQ Bar, Birdie Indoor Golf Centre and Remix Restaurant & Bar.