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Laneway parking coming for employees in Steveston

Sixteen permit spots will be made available to employees at local businesses.
Sixteen parking spots have been identified in Steveston laneways.

More parking is being made available for people working in Steveston.

Richmond city council voted to add 16 parking spots in laneways for the exclusive use of employees at local businesses.

There was "a lot of work " done to get the 16 spots, said Coun. Carol Day at last week's meeting where the plan was approved. 

"Well, it's better than nothing and what else can we do? Steveston's a very compact area," she added.  

The 16 laneway spots – located in six lanes in the village’s commercial area - were identified by city staff who say they won’t interfere with loading zones, truck manoeuvering, access to parking lots and buildings or waste collection.

Businesses can apply for a permit to park all day in these laneway spots at a cost of $54 per month. However, there won’t be any dedicated spots, so it will be first-come, first-served.

Throughout Steveston, parking is limited to three hours between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., except stalls in front of businesses that are available for employees and residents.

The laneway parking is a one-year pilot program.

Signs will be placed in the laneway spots to indicate they are permit parking only.

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