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Letters: Misinformation circulating in Richmond about homelessness

'Everyone deserves to live with dignity': Letter writer
An artist's rendering of what a permanent supportive building might look like.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Petition launched against Richmond supportive housing amid city claims of 'misinformation'"

There seems to be an incredible amount of misinformation circulating about people experiencing homelessness and supportive housing.

It is important to remind ourselves that:

Being homeless is not a crime.

Being homeless does not make someone a bad person or criminal.

Many people - particularly seniors and people living with disabilities - are at risk of homelessness.

If we want a truly safe and vibrant Richmond community, then we must ensure there is housing available for everyone.

Everyone deserves to live with dignity.

I call on the leadership of the City of Richmond, Province of B.C. and BC Housing to take a much more proactive role in providing accurate and clear information to dispel the myths and misinformation that is circulating in our communities.

A. Cheng


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