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Letters: Richmond women’s group will keep tabs on seniors

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Richmond participated in the National Day of Action for Long-Term Care Justice on May 4.
A Richmond-based women`s group is advocating for better standards for long term care

Dear Editor,

Members of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Richmond were very pleased to participate in a National Day of Action for Long-Term Care Justice on May 4.

Almost 200 members of CFUW clubs from across Canada took part in this National Town Hall discussion with the Seniors’ Advocates from B.C., New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador — the only three provinces to have advocates for seniors.

We are advocating for national standards of care, increased staffing with better-trained and better-paid staff, and for all levels of government to work to implement the agenda set out in the 2020 Speech from the Throne by the Government of Canada: to allow seniors to “be safe, respected and live in dignity.”

We will be watching to see which parties support these goals, and we look forward to seeing real improvements in the quality of long-term care in the near future.

As we have noted over the past year, this truly is a matter of life and death.

Deborah Track

President, CFUW, Richmond