More than 500 students, teachers, retired teachers and administrators from the Richmond School District danced in perfect harmony all in the name of the Fifth Annual Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day, Wednesday, Feb. 29.
Aberdeen Centre was awash in pink as a flash mob led by 10 dance leaders from MacNeill secondary danced to the delight of shoppers.
The leaders spent two months teaching elementary students the dance to preach anti-bullying.
"Dance is a form of expression," explains Victor Lau, Grade 10 student at MacNeill secondary, "And this is our expression of support for pink shirt day and antibullying."
Anita Perel and Jheric Hizon from A-Star Dance Studio, which choreo-graphed the performance, share similar sentiments towards anti-bullying. After arranging and choreographing an anti-bullying flash mob video last year that went viral with more than 700,000 views on YouTube, the two were happy to promote anti-bullying again this year.
To watch the full video, visit http: // IBi01E.