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Pedestrian killed on Richmond road; 75-year-old woman bounced from car-to-car

The second pedestrian to be killed on Richmonds roads this year was yet another elderly person wearing dark clothes. A 75-year-old woman was struck and killed on No. 1 Road just south of Blundell Road on Feb. 16 around 6:30 p.m.

The second pedestrian to be killed on Richmonds roads this year was yet another elderly person wearing dark clothes.

A 75-year-old woman was struck and killed on No. 1 Road just south of Blundell Road on Feb. 16 around 6:30 p.m.

The woman was crossing No. 1 Road, not in a crosswalk, and was struck by a south-bound vehicle. The impact propelled the pedestrian into north-bound traffic where the pedestrian was struck again by a north-bound vehicle.

The pedestrian was transported to Vancouver General Hospital, however she died shortly after.

At the time of the collision the roadways were wet as it was raining lightly, it was dark and the pedestrian was wearing dark, non-reflective clothing. There was a marked crosswalk just north of where the collision occurred.

Richmond RCMP pedestrian safety tips include:

- Remove your headphones. Refrain from using your cell phone or other electronics when crossing the street. Your full attention needs to be focused on whats going on around you so you can see, hear and respond.

- Make eye contact with drivers. Never assume that drivers see you.

- Be cautious and pay attention to traffic. Know that drivers may not always stop or obey traffic control devices.

- Dress to be seen. Wear bright or light colored clothing. In bad weather or in low light wear reflective clothing.

- Walk facing traffic if there are no sidewalks. Use the outside edge or shoulder of the roadway so you can see vehicles coming towards you.

- Look in all directions when crossing the street. This includes over your shoulder for any vehicles that may be turning. Keep an eye out for approaching vehicles as you cross.

- Listen for approaching vehicles that may not yet be visible. Vehicles could be approaching you from a driveway, around a corner or from over a hill.

- Use crosswalks wherever possible. Please dont cross on the do not walk signal.