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Downed trees cause east Richmond power outage on Friday

Two outages overlap the east Richmond area
Two power outages is affecting East Richmond BC Hydro customers.

More than 2,000 east Richmond BC Hydro customers are without power on Friday morning.

According to BC Hydro, a downed tree is affecting 1,911 customers in the area north of Highway 91, south of Marine Way, west of Boundary Road and east of No. 6 Road.

Meanwhile, a second outage is affecting 604 BC Hydro customers in the area south of River Road, north of Blundell Road, west of Highway 91 and east of No. 6 Road.

The two outage areas overlap.

The second outage is still under investigation.

Crew is at both sites and power is estimated to return around 10:50 a.m.

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