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Project experts sought for Richmond 'oversight committee'

The city is looking for people with experience in capital project management, construction, finance, engineering, law or other related fields.
Richmond starts committee to oversee large city infrastructure projects.

Applications are being accepted for a “blue-ribbon panel” to oversee City of Richmond projects exceeding $50 million.

Richmond city Coun. Kash Heed asked last summer for this committee to be established, and it was eventually supported unanimously by city council.

Individuals who have “executive expertise” in capital project management, construction, finance, engineering, law or other related fields are “strongly encouraged” to apply, the city said in press release.

This committee will function in an “advisory capacity, offering independent advice and feedback throughout the design, development and construction milestones,” the city noted.

The five-person committee will meet in person four times a year and members will be compensated $500 per meeting.

Appointments to the committee are for two-year terms.

The first project that will be overseen by the committee is the Lynas Lane works yard reconstruction project.

This is in its first phase, with an initial budget of $100 million, and is expected to be rebuilt over the next seven to 10 years.

Anyone interested in being on the oversight committee should submit their resume and cover letter by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 4 by email to [email protected], or mail/drop-off at Richmond City Hall, Attention City Clerk’s Office, 6911 No. 3 Rd., Richmond, B.C., V6Y 2C1.

All applicants will be contacted once the selection process has concluded.

For more details, click here.

Questions can be directed to the Project Development department at [email protected] or 604‑247‑4936.

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