Happy Monday, Richmond! It's March 10, 2025.
In case you missed it, the Rick Hansen Foundation is now accepting applications for youth with disabilities who want to pursue post-secondary education.
Meanwhile, Richmond News columnist Sabine Eiche examines the language around the current political and economic crisis brewing between Canada and the U.S.
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Today's weather...
Mainly cloudy skies are in the forecast for Monday with some rain throughout the day.
Temperatures are expected to hit a high of 9C and a low of 4C in east Richmond, according to Weatherhood.
Click here to check out forecasts for other areas of Richmond for the rest of the week.
Photo of the day...
For today's feature photo, GMR regular contributor Anabelle Wee captured two male northern shovelers squaring off at Garden City Lands.
To submit a photo, email us at [email protected] with the subject line "GMR." Remember to tell us where and when you took the photo.
Fun fact about Richmond...
Do you know how many birds pass through Sturgeon Banks every year?
Sturgeon Banks is part of the Pacific Flyway and more than 1.5 million birds pass through on their annual migration routes. But the tidal pools also have other animals such as crab, shrimp and clams.
Sturgeon Banks was named by Captain George Vancouver who bought a sturgeon, otherwise known as a “ghost fish,” from a First Nations community, according to the Richmond Museum.
Do you have a fun fact about Richmond? Email us at [email protected] and put "Richmond Fun Fact" in the subject line.
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